End of the Year

8th November

A year of very little sailing.

7th November The Ore to Titchmarsh Marina

7th November and leaving our mooring for the final time in 2024.  We were last boat standing …

7th November 86M Trinity House ‘Patricia” built in 1982 inbound to the Port of Harwich

We are in Titchmarsh Marina and although it is not very cold the Webasto is pumping warm air into the cabin.  It’s cosy.

I had neglected ‘Talisker 1’ for a number of weeks, the whole of October, and when I was taken out to her on Wednesday she was showing signs of being unloved.  The birds had made quite a mess so the first job, having stowed my gear, was to scrub canvas and wash the decks.  How could I have left her for so long?

By the evening the effects of my flu jab, given to me that morning, were taking effect.  I had a sore arm and a temperature and felt pretty awful.  Yesterday morning I felt little better and was on the verge of not leaving the river until I checked the forecast again.  Only yesterday would I be able to sail.  Today would have required the engine.  So I decided to sail with the comfort of a marina berth at the end of the day.  Today I am feeling a lot better.  It is always lovely to be on board whether sailing or not!  I am going to give her a thorough clean tomorrow.

Yesterday’s sail was lovely.  We were predominantly on a beam reach with ESE 6 to 12 knots over the deck.

I plan to make for the Deben.  ‘Talisker 1’ is being hauled out by Larkman’s Ltd at the top of the Deben so we require a fairly big tide to get up nearly as far as Wilford Bridge.  For the first time with my being so busy at home both this year and for the forseeable future, I am in no rush to relaunch, if at all.

After doing a lot of nautical miles in the last ten years, most of which was pre covid, my ship is in need of some TLC.  Rigging needs a look.  I must decide whether to keep the existing engine or look at new.  It’s been a good friend and the various problems have been no fault of the engine itself.  A bust fresh water pump and the incredible debri from a damaged air filter being sucked in to the engine requiring a major job!  It starts like a gun but more and more engine oil is leaking … perhaps this can be fixed a little although the engine will always be messy.

Amongst many things, I need to restore her deck, treadmaster, through hull fittings, check her keel bolts ….  It would be lovely to work on this in the spring rather than the normal January, February and March.

11th November

11th November Titchmarsh Marina to The Deben

Nervous moments today leaving the Twizzle on a falling tide but we had plenty of water.  We were two hours before low water negotiating our exit and out in to Hamford Water.

11th November a few hours to kill before we could enter the Deben so sailed north under main only

We had a few hours to kill before we could enter the Deben so sailed north under main only, only setting the stay sail when we needed to reef the main.  ‘Talisker 1’ sailed past Woodbridge Haven far too early to enter the Deben and we continued to sail north against the flood tide and on past Orford Haven.  A beautiful day and north westerly winds F 3-5 with very little cloud and perfect visibility.  We have not sailed enough this year … for many reasons.  Orford Church and Castle, a delightful sight, were out of reach over the spit.  I hope to return next year but you never know …

Sunset Felixstowe was just after 1600 which coincided with half tide at Woodbridge Haven.  With an offshore breeze the conditions were perfect and having sailed back south under a reefed main and full genoa, carried by the flood tide, we started the engine, furled the genoa and negotiated the Deben entrance for the first time in a couple of years at 1600.  By the time we dropped anchor in the Rocks an hour later the light was fading very fast.

High Pressure is due to stay.  I’m hoping to prepare for haul out on Thursday.  I will start tomorrow.

13th November at anchor in Rocks Reach

13th November and the sun setting on Rocks Reach

13th November ‘Talisker 1’ stripped of her wings

18th November

I’ve been home a number of days.

Three lovely days at anchor in the Deben at anchor in the Rocks.  The weather was beautiful and on Wednesday I removed her sails OR stripped her wings.  I hate doing this.  It is taking away her power.

On Thursday I needed to motor up nearly as far as Wilford Bridge.

14th November Rocks Reach to Larkman’s Ltd

14th November Methersgate River Deben

14th November the Upper reaches of The Deben beyond Woodbridge

14th November passing the Woodbridge iconic Tide Mill

14th November our track includes the trailer track across the boatyard …

14th November several times the depth sounder registered 0.0 but it is soft and exactly at 0950 we were off the Larkman’s Ltd pontoon where Alden and James took our lines

Our haul out was scheduled at the immaculate Larkman’s Ltd for 0950.  My worries with the high pressure system was the tide not making it.  It certainly seemed lower as we passed Robertsons, and I texted Fred Larkman to ask if there was sufficient water.

Several times the depth sounder registered 0.0 but it is soft and exactly at 0950 we were off the Larkman’s Ltd pontoon where Alden and James took our lines.

14th November Larkman’s Ltd pontoon where Alden and James took our lines

14th November … never any rush … always patient … Fred Larkman lifts ‘Talisker 1’ over the sea wall. James (yellow coat) and Alden (bottom right).

14th November … later that day

To date, I’ve removed the boom, moused most of her lines and disconnected the mast electrics ready for the mast to be lifted and stored for the winter.  Fred will also inspect the standing rigging and then we can decide what needs replacing.  Not forgetting the guard rails that are the same age!

‘Talisker 1’ is in need of some extra winter TLC.  Once the mast is down she will be covered.

29th November

29th November

30th November

January 13th 2025

Happy New Year.

‘Talisker 1’ covered and pampered in the bosum of Larkman’s Ltd.

12th January young Orford SC members undergoing Winter Race Training in The Ore


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