Moving ‘Endeavor’ A Sad Delivery!

My wonderful friends David and Candy Masters, US SV ‘Endeavor’ went back to the States in early January. David to get his “shoulder blade” fixed and Candy to have a hip operation. They had been wintering in St Katherines Dock, enjoying London and looking forward to their next adventure.

David and Candy in their element aboard ‘Endeavor’

I met them and their fine ship in Stromness, Orkney in 2017.

Right side picture ‘Talisker 1’ rafted to ‘Endeavor’ North Haven, Fair Isle 2017

Enjoying Fair Isle with David and Candy 2017

David died suddenly in January in Seattle aged 65. Unbeknown to David, a massive growth in his chest had been developing for some time. A great husband and wife team and masterly blue water cruising couple have been separated in the most cruel way. Tomorrow, 29th April, Candy is holding a celebration of David’s life in Ballard, Seattle. David was funny, immensely clever, generous, slightly naughty. A really terrific terrific man.

I’ve just collected Candy and David’s boat from London and brought her to Suffolk. I was with my wonderful friend James Robinson. Amongst the very great sadness we both felt, it was a privilege to sail their wonderful ship.

Philip Attwood, Orford’s splendid HM, drove James and me with all our gear to St Kats on Monday. After a day and a half of getting to know the ships systems, with detailed instructions from Candy, we left St Kats on Wednesday 25th April and anchored in Stangate Creek for the night. With quite a breeze we sailed all the way to Orford the following day.

The Royal Barge! ‘Endeavor’ could do serious damage in my hands exiting St Kats!  With the Tower but a stones throw I would be at Traitors Gate never to be seen again!

My step son Jay and Orford sailor Harry Hitchcock came to see us in St Kats. As did brother David on the morning of our departure.

A visit from brother David before departure from St Kats

Harry, Jay and James Robi

25th April

Tower Bridge to Stangate Creek, River Medway

St Kats and ready to go …

On our way to the lock ..

in to the lock without destroying the Royal Barge!

In the river with Tower Bridge behind us ..

Sorting a family of fenders ..

The Cutty Sark

Looking back towards Greenwich

The Thames Barrier ahead

The QE Bridge

Well down river …

At anchor Stangate Creek

Joined by the Swiss!

26th April

Stangate Creek, River Medway to Orford

Leaving the Medway

Across the estuary under Main only … a powerful ship

Under reefed main and stay sail

Entering the Ore …

27th April

V early morning photograph taken by Orford SC Cruiser Captain Migs Howard out walking with husband Jonnie & their dogs!

View from ‘Endeavor’s’ mooring to the Church and Castle

Getting her ship shape

Orford HM Philip Attwood collecting me and James from ‘Endeavor’

Centre picture on the bend in the river ‘Endeavor’ in her summer digs!

‘Endeavor’ is their boat! No one else had sailed her since the late 1980’s without them. It took me and James a couple of days to sort the essential systems and get her ready for sea. Candy had sent such fabulous instructions, which I had collated in to quite a few pages. The boat had been left in live aboard harbour mode. What would have taken them just an hour or two took us much much longer.

Anyway! She’s in Orford on a heavy duty mooring until Candy arrives later in the year.

Dear David.  RIP.

Wonderful David and Candy at St Kats with ‘Endeavor’ in the picture

Me and David entering the Alma, Harwich on passage Ipswich to the Medway 2017


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