
Some marvellous Sailors ….. Some Famous….Will be Famous…..But ALL very good at what they do.

1 Comment

  • Bernard Beijk says:

    Message for James Tomlinson.

    Dear James,
    I hope you’r fine and healthy -these are intersting times…

    I want to ask you something -again- on “how you did that”. Saw you youtube on reeving. To me it does not came clear on how you tie the back of the main when putting on a third reef. It’s clear you uses a green tag line for the hight, but the bottom part of the main must also be thightend. Unfortunatly that isn’t shown. I did see a line on the boom for the 3th buth not how you use that.

    i’m making plans for a journey (“trip” as we call this here in the Netherlansds) to do a triangel: IJmuiden – Bay of St Malo Isles – Brest – Scilly Isles – Isle of White – Dover – IJmuiden. 4 months. Moostly solo.
    Therefore I’m prepering my Bella Diva (Bavaria 34 Cr) and it’s helpfull if I can put in an 3th reef if the wind is >5 bft. windward.
    I acpect that this crisis will be over by then.

    (sorrie for my English).


    Bernard Beijk

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